Trinity is very much in the mainstream of the Episcopal Church, USA. Even though a parish in rural Southwestern Virginia, we are located near a major retirement and vacation area, Smith Mountain Lake, and therefore have visitors and members from all over the country. Our worship reflects this.

Our liturgical style is “Broad Church.” Worship is Eucharist-centered, and we use Rite II of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer (BCP) and the 1982 Hymnal. We have a single worship service on Sundays at 10:30 AM and celebrate, with worship, the principle feasts and fasts. All those who are baptized may join us in Communion.

The parish prides itself on being open, warm and welcoming. Visitors notice this immediately. We have an outstanding choir and our music is supported by an excellent old, but well-maintained pipe organ. There is a strong emphasis on gospel-centered preaching, following, of course, the Revised Common Lectionary adopted for Episcopal usage. Opportunities for lay ministry centered on worship include a solid acolyte program, ushers, lay readers, chalice bearers and lay Eucharistic visitors. We have a well-trained altar guild large enough that no one is over-burdened, although there is plenty of room for new members. Attendance averages around thirty-five for Sunday services. Sunday worship is always followed by a coffee hour and opportunity for visiting. During the ‘Peace’, we leave our seats to warmly greet each other.

HOLY EUCHARIST SERVICE:  In 2025, we will have Holy Eucharist on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. The other Sundays we will have Liturgy of the Word of God service led by Lay Members.